Cameroon’s 22-year-old doctoral student Sara Timb was awarded the Honorary diploma of the Léopold Sédar Senghor International Poetry Prize

Le Prix international de poésie Léopold Sédar Senghor décerné à la doctorante camerounaise de 22 ans, Sarah Timb

26 Apr 2022 | LITERATURE | 0 comments

[CamerExcellence] – Cameroon, once again on the pedestal of excellence in literature. This time, thanks to Augustine Laurence Sara Timb, a doctoral student at the University of Yaoundé I. She was awarded the Diploma of Honour of the Léopold Sédar Senghor International Poetry Prize (seventh edition), for her poem “Letter to the separatists”. This was in Italy on 09 April 2022.

Le Prix international de poésie Léopold Sédar Senghor décerné à la doctorante camerounaise de 22 ans, Sarah Timb

The Léopold Sédar Senghor International Poetry Prize aims to promote the culture of peace, solidarity and love between peoples through poetry. A mission similar to the one entrusted to her by Cameroon’s Minister for Youth, Mounouna Foutsou: “We have committed her to be an ambassador of moral and civic rearmament to her young peers in order to make them dream while believing in their potential and their country,” the minister told the laureate who came to present her prize on 20 April 2022.

Sara Timb, in spite of her candid and lively smile, displays a rather mature mind. Yet she is only 22 years old. “I aspire to be a woman who brings together, leads, inspires, animates; motivates and embodies – in addition, to hope – a multifaceted female symbol…. Poetry came to me without any choice and I think it is probably the result of the admiration I had for some poets,” she said.

A well-trained spearhead

Augustine Laurence Sara Timb is one of the other role models of Cameroonian youth. Her background is proof enough. Holder of a Baccalaureate D, a degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology and a Master 2 in Plant Biotechnology, she has gleaned over the years, several recognitions.

In particular, the Diploma of Excellence awarded by the Amical des anciens élèves de l’Institut Saint-Louis in 2015. In 2019, she obtained the Diploma of Best Student awarded by the Rector of the University of Douala, Professor Magloire Ondoa.

She is also the winner of the first prize in robotics (collective distinction) at the Salon de l’Innovation technologique des filles africaines connectées. She is also in the ranking of the best students in Cameroon for the 2020/2021 academic year.

On 03 December 2021, the Think Thank THE Okwelians awarded her a certificate of recognition for the excellence of her career and her social commitment.

Sara Timb grew up in Douala and precisely in PK 11 Mbengue-City. She started school there. Her precocious genius ensured that she did not experience the hustle and bustle of the fourth and fifth grades.

By Jean Materne Zambo

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